Automatic WordPress Updates

Why choose WordPress hosting from anyone else when you can enjoy the convenience and security of managed WordPress updates from Pressable?

We know all about the latest WordPress core updates before anyone else, and we’re constantly evolving to stay at the forefront of web-based functionality and security.

We’re on a mission to make the Internet even more amazing, and because WordPress powers 39% of all the websites on the Internet, we know how critical those WordPress updates are. Ensure your website stays up-to-date effortlessly and future-proof your website’s security.

A graphic of WordPress websites updating core and plugins.

Automated, Reliable, Seamless

Other hosting platforms might expect you to stay-on-top of WordPress updates and manage them all on your own. But, at Pressable, we make core updates for all our customers, so they don’t need to lift a finger.

In addition to providing the best WordPress hosting and management, we manage our hardware to get the best performance from our servers. Alongside our rock-solid stability and infinite scalability, we keep your sites safe with daily backups and security monitoring.

A woman holding a laptop and a group of people with all hands in.

Competitive Pricing, Leading Service

We know we have plenty of competition in the web hosting industry. There are a lot of other companies out there trying to persuade you that they’re a good option to host your WordPress website. They might be using appealing pricing plans to stay attractive to customers like you.

So, we keep our pricing simple and affordable too. Hosting a WordPress website with Pressable starts at just $25 per month for a small, personal website or business. Whatever plan you choose, you can enjoy managed WordPress hosting with core updates and a ton of other features included.